19 June 2007


I am more than what meets the eye! I am more than my 5’1’’, 140 lb frame! If only I could blurt this out to the next person giving me a physical appraisal without my consent. What is wrong with people nowadays? Gone were the days when a simple hello was enough to start a genuine conversation. It seems like most people have turned out to be acerbic and rude. Sometimes I restrain myself from barking back “Why comment, you have metamorphosed into an ugly beast yourself!" … or curtly, “You’ve grown hideous!”…or more simply put, “You’re ugly!”

It really irks me when someone, an acquaintance for instance, takes full liberty to do an evaluation and run down on my weight gain. This is my body, no matter what size it is, it served me well. I’ve been up and healthy for the past 29 years and it has produced me a child and again is accommodating another one. Why does it matter to others that you are not as slender as you were 10 years ago? Don’t they know a thing about bone structure, metabolism and stress eating? What about the size of your gray matter and what you have done to improve your humanity for the past 10 years? Doesn’t it count anymore?

During the renaissance, plump women were in! Their bodies were adored. Look at the paintings, plumpness symbolized beauty, fertility and prosperity. I know we are not in the renaissance but I am no fool- I am blunt but candid at the same time. Any person must be taken for what they are and not for how they look or how heavy or light they tip on the scales. Afterall, when we die, the Lord asks not how much you have or how heavy you’ve become but how you made out of your life on earth. Good luck then!

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