01 October 2007


At some point in our lives we experience some form of cruelty in the hands of the people that ought to care for us. Our circumstances or context may vary and degree of how we felt its fangs gnaw on our wounds, the common factor is pain.

On second thought, pain could be a good instrument because it causes one to pause, contemplate and change direction.

One important lesson I have reaped from my interaction with these abominable creatures, which included former friends and colleagues and even relatives, is to accept these people the way they are for it takes a village to raise a child, these people just can’t help it; they were wired that way by their own unique society.

I call them “toxic” people and ridding them off one’s system is the best coping mechanism I have acquired through years of dealing with them.

Toxic (tok-sik) adj. 1. of or caused by poison.
2. Poisonous.(Reference: Oxford American Dictionary)

In this context, toxic people are good at betraying people who trust them. They feed you with poison words and if you let them get through you, they may seep and contaminate your blood. Remember you are your own person. Other people’s words and their perception of you only matter when you cooperate with them. Never endorse it.

Toxic people bear the following qualities:

1. They think they are better than the rest of us.

2. They never owe an apology nor explanation
for a mistake that have caused hurt or that have compromise another person's integrity.
3. They tell you what you can and cannot do.
4. They are self-centered.
5. They need you only when they need you.
6. They are naturally vile.

Get rid of them and live light!

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