24 October 2013

Leap of Faith

Source:  mightymag.org

I inched my way back to the work grinder for 12 days and now I am faced with a life-changing decision.  I am quitting it.  I figure that this may not be for me.  It’s like a vicious cycle where I pour every single minute of my time and effort while I stay away from home like more than 12 hours a day and sometimes even 24 hours straight just to prove that nothing’s going to fall under my watch.   Robbing me of the quality time I should have spent with my children.  It’s only a never ending dilemma until I allow to be imprisoned with the thought that this is how I should live.  Plenty of time to work and a morsel of time to spare for those who deserve and need it most.  Life is short.  No one is indispensable.  The company can change you anytime but your family, they are always present and patiently waiting for you to make the right decision.  Today, I am making mine.  It’s not going to be easy.  I need to make my share in the family income pie but I am going to make this big decision work in my favour.  And I know I will find a way to make it work just as I have found ways to make things work for the companies I worked for. 

I am not alone.  The Lord heard my prayer.

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