10 April 2015

Where are you


Source:  Dos Palabras, Hyspania

Are you in the darkest and deepest pit beyond my imagination?  How dark?  How deep? 

I need to find you.  You are my only hope, you see, I could not even protect myself from myself anymore.  I allowed uncertainty to creep into my heart during trying moments. 

At least now, this is lucid as I get, I am looking for you.  Digging deep into myself, comprehending … failing…but comprehending still.  I know you are just waiting to be found.

I need you to write words for me again.  The same way you wrote words like flowing water from the cornucopian pipe.   For words are my only salvation as I am lost in a sea of doubts and disappointments.  

Who said life is easy?  It may be easy for others but for me, life is meant to be lived to the fullest.  It is then not easy at all, for it should be lived to its optimum potential. 

I cannot compromise my standards of what a full life is and how I understand the means to achieve it.  I just can’t. 

I need you.

1 comment:

Eds said...

Hi sis, just dropping by here. I miss you sis.