23 September 2008

My Birthday with the Bloomfields

The BDC gave a birthday party for me ten days before my birthday. The ten-day advance will be explained later in this post. I just can’t help but jump to the cherry of this event, well what could be greater than a great party? For my BCD comrades, it’s making my current favorite local band be a part of it. And so it was done. After my/our other favorite, we feasted on heaps of seafoods at Dampa, we went off to Eastwood to check out the musical stylings of the Bloomfields.

At this point, I am compelled to reveal the persona- lities behind the BCD. It consists of Angela, Phillip, Aldrin, Van, Nathan, Joseph and me. This dynamic group of individuals is united by a single goal to overcome every foreign adversary while upholding principled and diligent work. I leave to your imagination the context of this statement.

Since I am still having a hard time putting my thoughts into words, considering the amount of caution I’ve thrown into the air while I was band-struck, let these photos speak for this post.

As the band members, JJ Lozano and Louie Poco were working the crowds, we had the chance to mingle and have photos taken with them. A humbling experience for me since throughout my conversation with JJ, all I could say was thank you.

the Bloomfields live

The YouTube clip I have posted here last November 2007 does not give justice to the talent of the Bloomfields. The band is steaming with energy and soul, watching them live is like watching a zestful life in action. They performed rock and roll music of the 60’s, mostly songs of the Beatles, the Beachboys and the Ventures.

BCD thank you for this birthday event and for pulling out all the stops, i.e. moving personal schedules to accommodate the gig and hunting the band's manager just to get my name on stage - I choose not to elaborate on this. Let's just say, t'was a blast, a fun memory for me to keep. Long live BCD!

For more information on the Bloomfields, please check their website at The Bloomfields Band. They have a Christmas Album coming up, you might want to check it out.

Photo Sources: Ian Rica Roxas - The Bloomfields Band Website - ; Joseph's BCD photos (Nikon D80)


Eds said...

wow. what a nice birthday party! i'm happy for you sis.

advance happy birthday sis. more birthdays to come!

Purple Ink said...

Thanks Blue Rose! It was sort of coming-out-of-my shell, for a change :-) It's never too late to have fun.

Claudine said...

Belated happy b-day. Kumusta ka na? ANg lalaki na ng mga anak mo!... I enjoy reading your blog. Keep on writing! -claudine

Purple Ink said...

Hi Claudine! Thanks for your time. Best regards!