13 October 2008

I Stand on my Desk

I just can't let this pass. I agree that we as Filipinos must set the record straight. We must not tolerate others, particularly other racial groups to commit disgraceful actions that demean us as a people.

The BBC and Tiger Aspect Production (TAP) clearly have a role in perpetuating blatant inaccuracies on the Filipino. As media players, BBC as a global network and TAP as a producer of the Harry and Paul show, are duty-bound in the promotion of truthful information, in this case, the projection of proper image and impression on the Filipino migrant worker.

It is very clear that the Harry and Paul Show, episode 4 (aired on the 26th and 29th of September 2008) showing a gyrating Filipina maid in front of a demented Briton is a deliberate example of prejudice at two levels. First it discriminated the Filipinos through stereotyping; the use of a Filipina maid, and the producer's justification by saying it was an absurd show. Second it dicriminated the Filipina "women" by potraying her as a sex toy; the Filipina maid is commanded during the scene to present her rear for mounting.

Despite growing protest, both remained indifferent while the British government reasoned with our Philippine embassy in London that it did not share the same views with the network and producer.

While others think that we are just being onion-skinned, I think the opposite. As Filipinos, we are responsible in upholding and preserving our dignity as a people. We must be vigilant to reject discrimination and violence in any form. The economies of power-countries are crumbling down, an example that there is no immunity to imperfection and that there is no reigning superiority, only passing dominance.

Let our petitions be heard to correct this ignorance against us:

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