18 February 2009

Encounters with the 3rd Kind

Move over dark cloud, I am turning the wheels of my blog from its gloomy direction as I write about something hilarious for a change like my brief and surprise encounters with former chums, classmates and friends. I observed that you can read people during their unguarded moments, from congeniality to nonchalance, I’ve witnessed a lot and waiting for more.

One day a beautiful lady came near me while I stood in a queue with my friend Violet in a convenience store. I felt the girl’s eyes burning on the side of my face when she couldn’t resist the chance and blurted out, “Excuse me miss, are you from UPLB? I looked at her while scanning my memory banks fast, I honestly did not recognize her and worse, I couldn’t get the name. I worked my mind out until I managed while nodding, “Uy sis ka ni Earl (Earl was my high school classmate). The girl was my classmate in a number of electives (crop science, agronomy) back in college. She leaned forward to give me a peck on the cheek and a brief hug. Of course I did not resist this act of warmth from a pretty lady like her, I could only smile while I faltered again in my mind for her name. I guess she was fumbling too on the name game. “Where do you work now?” was her second question and I gave her my answer and tossed the same query. After her response, she pursued for the work location and I said, “I work at the Petri Dish Building along Almonds Avenue.” She exclaimed, “Hey I just work at the Flasks Building along Almonds too!” I then added, “Your building is just across our museum err… office.” I was affable with this girl, we were having a conversation and I really like her now.

Winking at my tummy, she followed a question, “Uy buntis ka?” I was smiling when I said, “No, I’m just chubby.” She was very brave and continued, “Uy… buntis ka no?” Usually when people become privy at the wrong time and place, I easily ignite into a fiery version of myself. However I wondered why I only answered back, “No I am not. I just have exercise-challenged abs here, FYI, I already have 2 kids.” My friend Violet at this point was already throwing glances at my long-lost girlfriend, the look seem to say “one more word on the pregnancy thing and you’ll get kicked on the butt.” I am really a sucker for pleasantries especially the ones seasoned with hugs and kisses for I did not get irritated with this lovely but lost girl. At least I did not carry the burden of embarrassment as she appeared to be frozen on the spot and about to put her fist inside her mouth. She doesn’t deserve to be punished for an honest mistake, doesn’t she? I care less for we even exchanged mobile numbers and yes we’re texting.

Another unforgettable encounter was with a cold-blooded classmate working in a hospital. When I gave birth to my first born at the MMC in 2004, hubby was scared out of his wits with my labor show running for 3 days. During the registration, he got some of my personal information mixed up so we were required by the admitting office to get the information fixed prior to the birth registration of our baby. So we went to the admitting section of the hospital and I found myself face to face with a former classmate in high school. She attended to our requirements like she was dealing with a stranger. There was no trace of friendly connection which caused my graciousness to be superseded with frankness and I said, “Ano ka ba Nigella, hindi mo ba talaga ako nakikilala eh magkaklase tayo nung h-school saka andyan naman sa record mo yung pangalan ko.” Translate: Get a grip girl! Stop this play-pretend that we don’t know each other, it’s so pathetic and by the way, hi!

Then there was also this another tricky one, we almost bumped into each other at the Galleria, she was wearing eyeglasses that didn’t work I suspect as I found my smile fading when she gave a sharp stare in exchange. She used to be a fair and sweet young girl in high school, a former classmate who happens to sit behind my seat in 4th year high. She’s changed with that pompous air she wore like an elephant pretending to be a bird. The surprise did not end there because after a few months, I got an invitation from her in my social networking account. What?!?

Not all my brief encounters were hostile though, I have a bunch of former classmates and friends reconnected with again like the one I bumped into while shopping for shoes when I heard her voice out of the blue. Daffodil was as glad as I was for the unexpected meeting that she treated me to dinner. There was also one friend in college, a classmate in my tennis class, who was as jovial and as gracious. Like they say, it is not how you make friends but how you stay friends, time and attitude spells the difference. It’s not difficult to spot which one is a keeper or a loser. Another one important lesson is to keep a Samurai handy in case someone suspects me again for being more than chubby err … (take note, the politically correct term is) “weight-challenged”.


a r n o said...

"...she used to be a fair and sweet young girl in high school, a former classmate who happens to sit behind my seat in 4th year high."

sino to?! lekat nya! dapat dito sinusuntok sa ulo. hehe! yabyuh Lenin!

Purple Ink said...

Relax! Chill! (mas bago ba ang term na ito?) Sabi nga nila "dont sweat the small stuff" - luv yah!